City of Chicago Water Main Replacement Program
Chicago, Illinois
DB Sterlin’s project scope included setting up controls, a full topographic survey, cross sections, and utility investigation for various projects throughout the City of Chicago. The data collected was later mapped following strict CAD standards of the Department of Water Management. Existing utilities were also drawn using a compilation of the City atlases and the collected topography. In addition, DBS performed topographic surveys for the street corners identified by CDWM to be used by the City of Chicago to design Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) special ramps in accordance with the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) standards and compliance with ADA. As part of internal QA/QC, the drawings were field verified and modifications were made to the appropriate drawings. Project deliverables included hard-copy drawings, digital drawings, ASCII files, field books, and photos.
The scope of services for this project consisted of the topographic surveys and base drawings for the City of Chicago, Department of Water Management (CDWM) Water Main Replacement Program to be used to design water mains for various locations in the City of Chicago. The Department of Water Management coordinated with the Chicago Department of Transportation to schedule water main replacements on streets that were already in need of repair. The City of Chicago currently has over 4,200 miles of water mains, most of which are over 60 years old. The original pipes were installed between 1890 and 1920. Over the next 10 years, the city plans on replacing over 900 miles of water mains.