US Route 20 at Illinois Route 47 / Illinois Route 72
Kane County, Illinois
The scope of services for this project consisted of the preparation of construction documents comprised of plans, specifications, estimates, quantities, and details for the improvements to US Route 20 at IL-47 / IL-72 (North and South Junction) in Kane County, IL. DB Sterlin prepared plans that included roadway engineering, drainage engineering, and utility coordination. In addition, construction staging and maintenance of traffic concepts were developed to ensure that at least one lane of traffic in each direction was open at all times. All documents were prepared in accordance with IDOT standards. Also, DB Sterlin provided supplemental survey services for the proposed improvements at the junctions of IL 47, US 20, and IL 72. The supplemental survey was performed to verify the existing topographic survey.
The proposed improvement to US Route 20 consisted of widening and resurfacing to provide left and right turn channelization at the north intersection. Drainage improvements, culvert replacement, and lighting replacement were included as a part of the improvement. North Junction of the project included the north leg (IL-47), the west leg (US-20), and the east leg (IL-72) which consists of one 13-foot wide lane in each direction with shoulders varying 4-foot to 8-foot in width. The south leg (US-20/IL-47/IL/72) consists of two 10-foot lanes in each direction with varying width shoulders on either side of the roadway. The South Junction of the project included the west leg (IL-72), the east leg (US-20), and the south leg (IL-72) which consisted of one 13-foot wide lane in each direction with shoulders varying 4-foot to 8-foot in width. The north leg (US-20/IL-47/IL/72) consists of two 10-foot lanes in each direction with varying width shoulders on either side of the roadway. The total length of the improvement was approximately 8772 feet (1.66 miles).